Cérémonie / Ceremony

Un cadre enchanteur / Magical setting

Fleurs, diposition des lieux, harmonie des couleurs, garde du texte des voeux et choix de la musique, chacun s'est choisi une tâche selon ses goûts et talents. / Flowers, floor plan, color harmony, standing guard for the vows or attending to the music, everyone chose and accomplished marvels according to his skills and tastes

Crabapples and Gaby
Gaby, Master of flowers Puneet and Verle, decorators
ceremony place

Floor plan, in the shade
Pipo zonùt let qnyone neqr the vozs Pipo zonùt let qnyone neqr the vozs CHeryl, Music master

       Avant le oui / Before I do

Before the ceremony
Gaby, Master of flowers
Gaby reading "Code Civil" listening to Gaby

        Consentements / I do

Do you ?
I do may kiss the bride a waltz ...

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of the Light of the World to you.

fut la pièce, interprétée par Ars Nova, que le hasard ou la chance fit retentir pour notre premier baiser de couple marié, nous l'avons pris comme une bénédiction ... /
this piece, sung by Ars Nova, started just as we exchanged our first married kiss..., we took it as a blessing ...

the groom signs
bride still signing the bride signs Pipo checks...

the proud couple

Les photos du mariage/Wedding pictures :
Racine/Root | Préparation/PreparationCérémonie/Ceremony | Les nouveaux mariés/the newly wed | L'aprés-midi et le diner/Afternoon and dinner
Navigation dans tout le site mariage/Browsing through the whole wedding website :
intro : faire-part/announcement | page principale/main | mariage/wedding | animation | news up to September 2004 | nous/us | Pipo | Cadeaux /gifts

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retour mariage /
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